01 The fundament

Developing a website the user needs

The creation of a qualitative website goes deeper than providing content to the target audience or user. Our experience in web developing goes hand in hand with doing the right thing for your business. Your growth might need awareness, interaction or ‘simple’ digital communication. Nevertheless, for each reason you build a website, the right user specific path and experience need to be part of the fundament within your platform.

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02 Food for thought

Do you exploit and extend your brand?
Is your website safe & protected?
Do all functions work on every device?

03 Importancy of your website

What should my website include?

The creation of a website comes often with a checklist of to be included points, content, and call-to-actions. Often we notice that companies forget about one very important aspect within the website’s user experience. The feeling of the brand. Words about your company can’t reach what our human senses can. Extending your brand identity digitally means making sure that your website breaths your company’s e.g. core-values, visual guidelines, customer/client approach and business strategy. Without these values included, you might have your checklist included, but you will most likely experience a website that communicates information that does not add up to the feeling you had in mind.

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How can we build and structurize it?

Making sure that your brand identity is included without replacing the checklist’s points, we structure carefully by following our development process. After a starting audit, which carefully analyzes and determines the to be included factors, we follow the UXD and UI path. During this phase we thrive to find the correct and effective way to guide your target audience through your website and its most important content. Every user on your website is unique and might need a different experience. Creating these multiple user-specific pathways gives your diverse audience the chance to experience your brand’s identity, while following the guidance that suits and fits them effectively.

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04 Insights & possibilities

Long-term coding

We all like creating a website that does not cost much, and which's done in the wink of an eye. Often this leads brands deciding for CMS based websites e.g. Wordpress. We believe that choosing for the website build by coding will become the long-term and eventually the money saving solution. Building a coded website will allow you in a later time to modify without fully rebuilding and expand without being restricted. Therefore, we see this long-term thinking as a solution you seriously should consider.

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Brand identity

Your website communicates more than information. Who you are as a brand comes close to who the customer or client feels attached to. Including this identity wisely within your website gives the user more opportunity to feel comfortable and engaged. When your brand's e.g. visual guidelines, business strategy and key brand values form the guidance through the website’s information and call-to-action, we believe the result will increase immediately.

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Premium Wordpress

Developing a Wordpress website is a popular choice for many brands. Often we notice that many of these websites stick to a simplified web experience, page structure and themed visuals. When we develop Wordpress websites we do this with our coding background. Meaning that we go deeper than filling in the blank spaces in pre-made Wordpress themes. We can build a new theme for your brand only or create coded additions to the standard limited options within Wordpress themes.

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Out of the box

Thinking from a business growth perspective creates the opportunity to go beyond standard content creation. We all include the ‘about us’ or ‘contact’ page. Yes, these pages are still important to incl. in any way. Nevertheless, there are many various ways content or information can be communicated and presented. We like to think out of that standard box. Who is your target audience and what is the information to be included? We combine the answers of those questions in an effective and creative way.

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05 Project process

Coding and realization

06 Development cases

All Coding Wordpress

07 Gallery