Nothing beats a live event. However, the current times call for creative solutions. There are several options available before you have to cancel your business conference altogether, for example. Communication knows no limits as long as we can stay online.
One option before cancelling a business conference, for example, is to schedule it as a live stream conference. This creates the opportunity to communicate without all attendees being physically present. In addition to the online presence, your company can create a video from your live stream that can later be viewed on-demand. We are all witnessing the impact of the strengths of streaming as world leaders communicate about their countries' health and safety. Below we describe some of these strengths for live streaming conferences or events:
- Stream live to all visitors who cannot be there.
- Offer visitors, partners or colleagues a valuable alternative to stay informed.
- Create a list of previous livestreams that can be watched on-demand and at any time.
- Use parts of the livestreams as short videos or as visual content for later communication or video productions.
The two most used and most popular live streaming platforms are Facebook and Youtube. We understand that for some events privacy plays an important role. Therefore, think carefully about the platform you choose.
Facebook includes four streaming options
- Timeline live, accessible to everyone viewing your personal timeline.
- Page live, accessible to everyone who follows your company page or has access to view your page.
- Group live can only be viewed if you are part of a certain Facebook group.
- Event live can only be viewed if you are invited or a member of that specific Facebook event.
YouTube contains three streaming options
- Public streaming, accessible to everyone and easily found via the Google search engine.
- Hidden streaming can only be viewed if you have the specific streaming link.
- Private streaming can only be viewed after receiving an invitation and logging in with a google account.
In short, any type of event can take place regardless of the situation in which your company finds itself. Direct communication, to which we are accustomed, can be replaced by communication through the internet. In addition, live streaming of your event still offers the possibility to stay close to your audience. Thereby you have control over the audience you allow and participate.
Do you want the best quality and are you interested in live recording and and broadcasting your event, conference or meeting? Then get in touch us to discuss the possibilities immediately!